Fall is here! Fall is my favorite so I'm really excited to wear my boots and cozy sweaters. But winter can stay away as long as it wants!

On September 9th I took a pregnancy test, after not feeling just right for a couple days(tired with headaches mainly) and voila! Of course, since this is my third positive pregnancy test, I'm very aware that I can't get my hopes up just yet.
September 9th- so very faint!
Two days later- getting darker!
9/25/14- Ultrasound only showing a sac. Feeling very sad and hopeless again. Totally preparing for another loss.
10/3/14- Another ultrasound showing not only a sac but a heartbeat! Also heard it! Hi baby!
The doctor also saw a small bleed to the side of the placenta that she wants to keep an eye on. Follow up appointment set for 10 weeks.
10 week ultrasound. Strong heartbeat of 182 bpm! Watched him/her dance around, it feels so unreal that it's going on inside me! Bleed is still there. Very nervous about it. Following up again in two weeks.
Every day is like a year long while I wait to see if this bleed goes away. On the bright side, I have a tiny bump!
Next ultrasound next week!
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