Monday, May 4, 2015

37 week update

Lets's recap the last few weeks:

  • I've kept my sugar pretty well under control so far, but this last week it was a bit high so I've had to really keep a closer watch on what I'm eating this week.
  • My total weight gain- 44 lbs (what??!)
  • On the 24th my co-workers gave me a baby shower at work, isn't that a pretty cake?!

  • A hospital survival kit was given to me by my secret sister at church- my secret sister is amazing :)

  • Our bags are packed (mine AND BellaRae's) and we are ready to head out the door!

As of last Wednesday I was dilated to 2 cm so I'm anxious to know if there has been any progress. I have a lot of pressure as she has been very low for weeks now. My doctor says I am very likely to go into labor early and so it could be any day now!! We are so excited! We hope to have an ultrasound this Wednesday at our appointment to see exactly how big she is measuring and that will determine if I will be induced at 39 weeks if she doesn't try to come any sooner. Hope to have good news after my appointment this week!